Sixth Week Assignment:
Throught this assignment, i'm going to redesign the echo-Hello-World board.
i have a good experience with Eagle-CAD so i'm going to use it to finish this assignment.
AS220 tutorials helped me alot, i re-drawn the circuit and added button and LED.

After i finished the schematic phase, we get to the hardest phase in circuits designing, ordering the components in the board layout.
1/2 hour later, i finished the layout :D
in layers menu in the top toolbar, i selected the only the top layer (traces only), then exported it as PNG with settings of Monochrome and 500 DPI.

Using GIMP i added 20px to the canvas size and then flattened the image to get the white boarder.


Soldering this board's components was much fun although my first trials was not successful, and i had to make another board.
1st board:

2nd board:
